Google Chrome Show Off Special Characters on My Website

As of October 28, 2008 – 1540H local time, I opened Google Chrome to view the output of changes I made on my website (because I was updating some of its content) and I was stunned when I saw the results. It was kind of computer special characters or ascii code or something like when you open an application (.exe) program using Notepad. So I refreshed my browser about three times and it still showing the same result and I don’t have any idea what’s going on. I have tried viewing my website using Firefox and IE but everything’s are normal. I continue refreshing the page on Google Chrome but nothing happens. I tried other website address like Yahoo! and Too Much Few but they seems to be normal. I was wondering if I did something wrong with my website’s code but the only last thing I did, I removed “Pages” sidebar because I don’t like the output. Duh! Is it a big deal? or is it Google Chrome’s mystery bug?

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